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Training in Cloud Computing


Chapter 1: Introduction to Linux platform – 3hrs

  • Linux file system
  • Basic commands in Linux
  • Users and group permissions
  • Services like, SSH, FTP, SCP, ufw ,curl, wget etc
  • Installation of packages such as MySQL, APACHE web server, PHP or Java, IDE and platforms

Chapter 2: Web Application Fundamentals – 3hrs

  • Three tier architecture
  • Sample web application deployment

Chapter 3: Introduction to Cloud Computing – 3 hrs

  • Evolution of cloud computing
  • Characteristics and Overview of Cloud Architecture
  • Fundamentals of Virtualization
  • Cloud Service and Deployment Models

Chapter 4: Cloud Services – 33 hrs

  • Cloud services overview- Cloud Global infrastructure (data centers, regions, availability zones), introduction to- compute, network, storage, IAM, notifications, monitoring, analytics services (3hrs)
  • Infrastructure as a Service – Compute (Launch VM Instances, access instances, auto-scaling) Storage (Block, Object and Network file shares), Network (Virtual Private Space/Project, load balancers, DNS, Security groups and access control list) – 10 hrs
  • Platform as a Service – Databases (Relational and NoSQL DB’s), Elasticbean stack to auto-deploy web application, Dockers and Kubernetes, application orchestration services. – 10 hrs
  • High availability and Fault-Tolerant architectures for web application – Virtual private space, availability zones, Load balancers, auto-scaling, application monitoring. – 10 hrs

Important Take Away’s

- 15 days (42 hrs) interactive training on Gyanet Online learning platform
- Mini Project in the form of assignments during in the internship duration.
- Training will comprise of weekly assessments (objective) and assignments
- Recorded videos of the interactive sessions to be made available for one year on Gyanet
- Hands on training using cloud platforms such as AWS
- A set of questions bank (1000+ questions) comprising of 15+ subjects to be made available for placement preparation.