Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Systems (8 hours)
- Introduction of SOC model. (1 hr)
- Boolean algebra and glitch analysis. (1 hr)
- Removal of glitch using k-maps. (0.5 hr)
- A generic approach to design sequential circuits. (2.5 hr)
- Analysis of asynchronous circuits. (1 hr)
- Designing of FSM based systems. (2 hr)
Chapter 2: FIFO, clock domains, timing concepts (3 hours)
- Design of FIFO and its applications. (1.5 hrs)
- Setup time and hold time concepts. (1.5 hrs)
Chapter 3: Verilog HDL: (24 hours)
- Introduction to Verilog HDL. (1 hrs)
- Data types. (1 hrs)
- (1 hrs)
- Conditional statements. (2 hrs)
- Tasks and functions. (1 hrs)
- Gatelevel modeling. (1 hrs)
- Dataflow modeling. (2 hrs)
- Assign statement
- Delays
- Designing combinational circuits using dataflow modeling
- Behavioral modeling. (7 hrs)
- Initial and always blocks
- Blocking and Non-Blocking statements
- Designing combinational and sequential circuits using dataflow modeling
- Structural modeling. (3 hrs)
- Writing test bench using Verilog HDL. (3 hrs)
- Synthesizable and non-synthesizable constructs in Verilog HDL. (2 hrs)
Chapter 4: Synthesis: (7 hours)
- Introduction to synthesis of Verilog HDL. (1 hr)
- Understanding technology library. (1 hr)
- Performing Area-Power-Timing analysis using open source (Yosys) tools. (5 hrs)
Chapter 5: FSM based digital design (3 hours)
- Design of sequence detector using Verilog (1.5 hrs)
- Case study of AMBA BUS(1.5 hrs)